2025 Academic Scholarships Announced

It has become tradition that at our Semester 1 Academic Awards Ceremony, that we announce the senior scholarships recipients for Year 11 and 12. It is with pride that we announce the following 2025 scholarships:

The St Ursula Scholarship is for students who show commitment to the study of either Languages or the Arts awarded to Mary David-Hoole.

The Melissa van Poppel Scholarship for study of Science and participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme awarded to Amelia Miller.

The Pentony Mathematics Scholarship is awarded to a student for outstanding achievement in Mathematics during Years 9 and 10 and is awarded to Sophie Carrabs.

The Senior Sports Scholarship has been introduced this year and is awarded to students with high level sports representation, either at a state or national level, plus high level academic achievement. The scholarship covers part tutitionin in Years 11 and 12. This year we were unable to split two candidates who excel in very different sports and also have strong commitment to academic studies. We congratulate Charlotte Williams and Isabella Wilshire as our recipients.

Part Board Scholarships which cover part tuition across the college years. These are awarded to students who show high achievement and dedication to students throughout Years 9 and 10.The recipients awarded are Maddie McConnell-Griffiths, Alizaih Malik and Olive Hanley.

Full Board Scholarships which cover full tuition as the students have displayed outstanding academic achievement and community involvement in Years 7-10. The Full Board Scholarships, cover these students’ school and general fees for 2025/2026. The recipients of this scholarship are Eliza Bell and Tara Holmes.

Congratulations to all our scholarship recipients and we wish you the very best with your studies in 2025.

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