Student Achievement

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Amelia Ryan, 2023 Brescia House Vice Captain

Brescia House Vice Captain

Name: Amelia Ryan

Dream job: Archaeologist

One place you want to travel to: Greece

Hobbies: Reading, eating and crocheting

Favourite food: Anything potatoes or pasta

Favourite movie: WALL-E

Favourite book: The song of Achilles

Favourite singer: Shawn Mendes

Favourite song: Talk too much - COIN

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Isabella Caceres, 2023 Brescia House Captain

Brescia House Captain

Name: Isabella Caceres.

Dream Job: Australian Federal Police.

One Place You Want To Travel To: New York City.

Hobbies: Sleeping and eating - the essentials.

Favourite Food: Honey chicken and duck pancakes.

Favourite Movie: The Warriors 1979 or Grown Ups 1 & 2.

Favourite Book: Colombiano by Rusty Young.

Year 10 Academic Awards Ceremony

Principal's Address 2022

Year 10 Awards Ceremony 2022

Today we gather to celebrate the end of the academic calendar in a year of challenges, joys and the building of a culture of seeing the “other” through service. We also take this opportunity to recognise the successes, strength, resilience and passion exhibited by our young women in 2022. So much has been achieved, both academically and more broadly, by our students who have had the courage to serve our community whilst honouring their own dreams and capabilities.

Year 12 2022 Award Recipients

We would like to congratulate all Year 12 students on their outstanding academic achievements.

On Tuesday 29 November, our community congratulated the following students who received special awards.

Freya Spring - Merici College 2022 DUX

Colette Paterson - Merici College 2022 Proxime Accessit

Serena Cremen Farrington - ANU Psychology Award

Freya Spring - Australian Mathematics Trust Award

Erin Gately - Australian Institute of Physics

Georgia Tonkin - ADFA Future Innovators Award

Jessica Morris - Long Tan Leadership Award

Introducing our 2023 College Captains … Meika Sedran, 2023 Balgo House Vice Captain

Balgo House Vice Captain

Name: Meika Sedran

Dream job: Midwife

One place you want to travel to: Iceland or Norway. For no particular reason besides they look cool   

Hobbies: Netball, reading and doing nothing (my favourite hobby)  

Favourite food: Aranchini, and potatoes in any form

Favourite movie: Clueless (1995) 

Favourite book: The Divergent Series. Not the movies though, they are trash! 

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