Student Achievement

Year 10 Awards Ceremony

Today we gathered to celebrate the end of Year 10 and prepare to embark on the next stage in your daughter’s educational journey. We also take this opportunity to recognise their successes, both academically and more broadly in their contributions to many aspects of the life and community of Merici College. 

We take this time to thank the parents and carers for their support and commitment, as well as the teachers for the exceptional learning opportunities and guidance they provide. And to give thanks for each student in this Year 10 cohort.

Student Awarded Actsmart Schools Sustainability Leadership Secondary Student

Congratulations to Imogen Simmons who has been awarded the Actsmart Schools Sustainability Leadership - Secondary Student.

Since her appointment as Sustainability Captain in Term 4 of 2019, Imogen has brought enthusiasm, commitment and drive to the overall approach to sustainability at Merici College. Her thought, planning and effort was undeterred by the disruptions this year and she has produced many important contributions to Sustainability on campus:

What is Interdisciplinary Learning at Merici College?

Can you imagine a student working on a Geography project that is also assessed by their French teacher? Or how about having to work on a Italian project that is also marked by a Business teacher?

The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) at Merici College offers just such an opportunity. Students are provided with the chance to connect and collaborate across subjects through what is known as an interdisciplinary unit (IDU). The purpose of this is to allow students to investigate complex problems through different lenses whilst referring to knowledge gained in different disciplines.

Year 12 Farewell Assembly

Today our Year 12 students were formally farewelled by the Merici College community at a special assembly. On behalf of the staff and students, Mrs Wholley thanked the Year 12 students for the wonderful contribution they have made to Merici College over the years, “Strive with all your might to remain as you are called by God and to seek and desire all the ways and means necessary to persevere and make progress to the very end.” St Angela Merici

Every year at the Opening Assembly since 2013 I have concluded with the words:

Merici Sw(op) Shop Thanks!

Thanks everyone for supporting our #MericiSAM Sw(op) Shop on Tuesday 3 November. Your gold coin donation will go to WWF's Koala's Forever Programme. The iconic Australian koala is facing extinction. After the bushfires with 6000 koalas lost in NSW alone, some key koala populations became officially extinct. WWF has a plan to double koala numbers along our east coast by 2050 and, in so doing, pull the precious populations we have left back from the brink.

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