Student Achievement

A Prayer during Change (written and composed by Imogene Blake, Class of 2020)

For this task, I created a choral piece entitled, ‘A Prayer During Change’, praying to Saint Angela Merici, as ‘…a woman of foresight and courage who enjoined her successors to make changes according to the needs of the time.’ (The Editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica, 2020), for guidance and strength during ‘… times of change’. The piece explores the theme of transitioning, reflecting on challenges faced by the Merici Community during 2020, and highlighting how, whilst confronting, periods of transition facilitate growth and flourishing.

The Year in Science

Wow, what a year. Bushfires, smoke, hail, COVID-19, remote learning and the constant feeling of not really knowing what was going to happen next, has made this a highly unusual year for everyone. It is definitely a year we would like to not repeat, but it has also shown how amazing and resilient the Merici community really is, including the Science Department.

Year 12 2020 Academic Results

We wish to pass on our congratulations and best wishes to all our Graduands for 2020. 

83 students received their Year 12 ACT Senior Secondary Certificate. 60 students completed a Tertiary Package and received an ATAR. 23 students completed Accredited Packages, which included Vocational qualifications. 

Merici College Dux 

Highest Achieving Year 12 student at Merici College who completed a Tertiary Package Imogene Blake 

Proxime Accessit  
Runner up to the Dux is Aislinn McArdle 

2020 BSSS Recognition of Excellence Ceremony

We congratulate the following students who received an award at the 2020 BSSS Recognition of Excellence Ceremony today. The BSSS Recognition of Excellence Ceremony is a prestigious award ceremony in December by the BSSS. Awards are given in five categories: Community Services, Vocational Studies, Academic Excellence, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students and Academic Achievement. We congratulate:

Merici Shorts

Welcome to what we hope is our first edition of “Merici Shorts”, a publication of short fiction written by our students. This year has been, it’s been said a million times, “unprecedented”. We have become almost blaze about how unusual the year has been. Will it leave the world a changed place, and for the better? Only hindsight will give us the answer to that. Reading this work, I wonder how this year has effected or set the mood of the pieces. It’s an interesting, and perhaps dark, collection of work and I hope you enjoy it.

On sale at the Finance Office, $5.00 each.

Year 7 Marketplace Fundraiser for St Vinnies Christmas Appeal

Our Year 7 Religious Education classes held a Christmas marketplace fundraiser for the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. During Period 2 and recess the students sold hand-made craft items and to raise money for St Vinnies. We would like to congratulate the students on the exceptional efforts this year.

Full image gallery here.


Year 12 Graduation Mass and Awards Ceremony

It is here on this night of celebration that we recognise academic, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural achievements. I call on you all to appreciate the blessings you have received. These talents and gifts, bestowed on you by God, have been nurtured by your parents and developed throughout your time at Merici College by your teachers, the staff and your friends.

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