Student Achievement

Athletics Carnival Results

An all-weather synthetic track means that rain, hail or shine your carnival can go ahead and that it did! Thank you to our courageous Merici College students for braving the delightful weather and contributing to the success of the carnival.  The participation, team spirit and attendance at the carnival was a beautiful reminder of the special community we have here at Merici College. 

Thank you to all staff and parents who contributed to making the carnival a success.

Student Achievement - Georgia Willshire

Over the last 12 months Merici College Georgia Willshire (Year 9 SE1) has been dancing up a storm attending classes locally in person and virtually all around the world. Georgia dances at Kim Harvey School of Dance in Dickson each week and is currently a member of Australian Ballet Schools exclusive Invitee Program, as well as Queensland Ballet Schools Guest Associate Program


Girls in Maths: It just adds up!

On Wednesday 10 March, the staff and students at Merici College invited Year 6 students, from all around Canberra and beyond, to a Girls in Mathematics Day. Students participated in three key activities: Learning about ratios and fractions, through investigating the formula for the perfect ‘sherbet’; Puzzle fun through learning new tips that can be applied in other numerical situations; and learning the importance of team work and supporting teach other through competing in a team relay.

Gift of Life DonateLife Walk 2021 Thank You!

Thank you to all our students and staff for supporting our virtual walk yesterday morning for Gift of Life Inc DonateLife Walk 2021. We would like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to Hit104.7 Ned and Josh and staff for broadcasting their Breakfast Show live at Merici and supporting our Walk. We would also like to thank Cath, Mallie and all the team at Gift of Life Inc for all your organisational assistance and support.

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