
Fr Bernie Patterson celebrates 40 years of service

It was a wonderful opportunity at our recent Commissioning Liturgy, held on Monday 16 October, for Mrs Loretta Wholley, Principal, to take the opportunity of acknowledging and celebrating the work of Fr Bernie Patterson.

"Today we take the opportunity to acknowlege and celebrate Fr Bernie. We do this in thanksgiving for the 40 years of service he gives as a priest since his ordination in 1977.

Fr Bernie:

International Day of the Girl ABC Radio Canberra Interview

International Day of the Girl is an international observance day declared by the United Nations and is held on 11 October each year. The observation supports more opportunity for girls and increases awareness of gender inequality faced by girls worldwide based upon their gender. This inequality includes areas such as access to education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care, and protection from discrimination, violence against women and unfree child marriage.

Ski and Snowboard Australia Day Conference

On Wednesday 4th October, the inaugural Ski and Snowboard Australia Day Conference at Rushcutters Bay in Sydney was held. It is a forum of the who’s who in winter sports that discusses everything snowsports not just Interschools itself (such as event organisation, rules of racing etc), but indeed everything in the development of future ski racers and snowsports athletes – including pathways to the Winter Olympics.

Duke of Edinburgh Student Experiences and Reflections

The Bush Prac weekends are designed to extend the navigation and survival skills of the Duke of Edinburgh participants and act as the practice journey towards their Bronze Award. Two weekends were held this year out at Wee Jasper, NSW. A number of new Marist and Merici students participated in hiking, river crossings and survival scenarios. They were joined by a number of older students who helped to run the weekend. Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who make these adventures possible!

Memories@Merici with Minh Huynh (Class of 1998)

Our article today fits in beautifully with National Science Week and we celebrate the achievements of Minh Huynh in the field of Science and wish her continued success.

"After graduating from Merici College in 1998, I moved to Sydney to do a Bachelor of Medical Science at the University of Sydney and went on to complete Honours and a PhD in Pathology. The aim of my thesis was to investigate and understand how cancer cells invade and spread throughout the body.

Principal's Reflection - Sustainability Presentation at Korero Conference, New Zealand

In the July school break, I was fortunate to present at Korero in Queenstown NZ. Korero is a Maori word for Conversation. This was a Conference like no other, there were no keynote speakers charging significant fees to sell us an idea or product, but rather was a series of workshops presented by Principals for Principals in the Catholic Secondary Schools sector. There were over 100 Principals from New Zealand and Australia in attendance.

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