
#MericiMoment Wall of Words – Sarah Ball (Class of 2013)

The word I have selected is GROWTH.

This word resonates most with my experiences at Merici because they helped shape me from the child I was when I was in primary school to the woman I became when I chose my degree and path in life to pursue. My experiences in Year 10, 11 and 12 in particular were pivotal in getting me ready for life outside school, including the friendships I built and still hold to this day."

Meric College Green Tip #1 - Welcome back with our new Terracycle collection

Welcome to 2022!

Reducing waste to landfill is a key action that we can all take to reduce our environmental impact.  

To go beyond our kerbside collection options, and to kickstart our focus on waste reduction this term, we are pleased to offer four options for collection here at Merici:

Oral care waste, container lids, makeup packaging such as eyeshadow trays and mascara tubes, and disposable masks. 

Please click here to view our Green Tip!

Feast Day of St Angela Merici

Today we celebrate the Feast Day of our patron saint Angela Merici and her vision for education and her unique model of spirituality. She continues to be the inspiring model on which we base ourselves. Her love and sensitivity to human needs won her the title "Madre Angela" from the people of Brescia, Italy.

The Year in Vocational Education Training and Careers

This year has seen Canberra wake up to COVID lockdown with schools across the ACT sit virtually empty and businesses brace for a huge economic impact.


Ground Hog Day – We’ve been here before.


With the postponing of the AST until Term 4, and the uncertainty about assessment and BSSS requirements, with their lack of interaction with staff and friends, I really can't put into words how disruptive this year has been for students in Year 12.


The Year in Inclusive Education

2021 has been a year of reinforcement and progression for Inclusive Education at Merici College. With the ever growing team of professionals we have seen The Hub, our central location, become a consistent hive of activity for students from across all year groups needing additional support. This space houses many varying aspects of improving learning for students.

Classroom Support Assistants (CSAs)

The Year in the Information Centre (iC)

The Information Centre (iC) continues to be the hub of the school, a popular gathering place for students to come together before and after school and during lunch. It is so much more than a place of study or to borrow a book. It is a safe place, a place for connections, sharing ideas, working collaboratively, and coming together to share an interest.

The Year in Religious Education @ Merici

This year saw change continue within the Religious Education Department! A number of our staff were part of the Catalyst Early Adopters group for the Archdiocese and this has resulted in a number of important changes to teaching practice that have been welcomed by the students in those classes. We have also had teachers using the Seqta learning management system in Semester 2, so girls who have been in these classes will be ready for the full rollout next year.

The Year in HPE @ Merici


The innovative Merici College Physical Education Department strives to provide an environment that encourages lifelong physical activity, safety and wellbeing. Promoting healthy and active lifestyles we aim to provide our girls with opportunities to become holistic, engaged, active, resilient thinkers. (Heart).

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