
Our Challenge, Our Hope

Dear Merici College Community

Like many Catholics, over the past years and weeks, I have struggled to express my feelings, thoughts and reactions to the abuse of power, privilege and position by members of the Catholic Church, including Pell’s guilty verdict. 

I personally, have found it difficult to comprehend how such horrendous crimes have occurred. My prayer life has also been put to test, yet I believe that these challenges can only be eased by praying with an open and trusting heart.

International Women’s Day - Strength as Women!

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Celebrated on March 8, the day marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. The theme for this year was #BalanceforBetter and to support this special occasion, the Merici community received a white lapel ribbon representing the College’s symbol for the year, the white lily/fleur de lis to wear with pride, as well as hosting an IWB Strength as Women cocktail party.

IWD Principal's Blog

I am a proud graduate of a Catholic, all-girls school. I attended St Brigid’s College in Lesmurdie in WA from Kindy to Year 12 and last year celebrated my graduating class’s 30th reunion.

I am now the proud principal of a Catholic, all-girls school. At Merici we support every student, academically, spiritually, physically, emotionally and socially, in their endeavour to create a pathway where they can try, fail, learn, succeed and celebrate.

Merici celebrates International Women's Day .... strength as women!

Today we are celebrating International Women's Day. International Women's Day  is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for moving towards gender parity (International Women’s Day website).

All staff and students received a white lapel ribbon today - wear this with pride! The white ribbon represents our symbol for the year, the white lily/fleur de lis and celebrates our strength as women.


It has now been 3 weeks since arriving back from Italy, and there hasn't been a day that has gone past where I have not mentioned aspects of my incredible experience.  
I had just completed my year 12 exams, and the next thing I knew, I was on a plane to Perth, not knowing what the future had installed for me, but I was simply excited by the idea of immersing myself in a culture which I love so deeply.

Our NASA Space School Experience

In December of 2018, I had the privilege of accompanying a group of girls to the US for the CASE Senior Space School.  While my group was composed of girls from Sydney, a small group of Canberra students, including two from Merici, were in another group along with the Queenslanders.

Our two weeks were spent in Houston, Texas, with a mixture of educational activities and challenges, space-related experiences, and a number of dynamic and interesting speakers and guests.

Opening Assembly and Unveiling of the St Angela Merici Statue

On Tuesday, 5 February 2019 Merici College welcomed current and past students, parents, Jacqui Keighery, Merici College Board Chair, Minister Elizabeth Lee, ACT Legislative Assembly Assistant Speaker, Shadow Minister for Education, Shadow Minister for Disability, Shadow Minister for the Environment and member for Kurrajong, Margaret Cicolini, Catholic Education representative and Merici parent, Fr Emil Milat and Fr Josh Scott to the Opening School Assembly.

Welcome to 2019!

We would like to welcome all students to the 2019 school year, in particular our Year 7s and new students. We hope that you settle into Merici life well and please do not hesitate to stop us or any other student or staff member in the corridor or on the playground if you are feeling overwhelmed or unsure about something. Remember, we are here to help. We also have a great Transitions team this year who are committed to helping you with a smooth and happy transition.

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