
2017 International Women's Day Dinner

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Celebrated on March 8, the day marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. The theme for this year was #BeBoldForChange and to support this special occasion, Merici College held a dinner on Thursday 9 March in the restaurant.

Ash Wednesday

Today as a school community we celebrate Ash Wednesday which is the first day of the season of Lent. Throughout the morning, blessed ashes were marked on the foreheads of our students and staff in the form of a cross. The smudge mark made by the ashes is a visible reminder of the commitment we enter into during Lent and of the forgiveness and strength which is the gift of Jesus to each of us.


We would like to congratulate and thank our co-curricular Music students for their participation in performances at the Royal Canberra Show this year. The contribution that these students have made towards supporting community events and representing Merici College has been amazing.


Great results for students at the Canberra Show

Congatulatons to our Textiles and Fashion students who have excelled themselves at the 2017 Canberra Show and it was a delight to see them so excited to see their entries hung and displayed so beautifully. A congratulations needs to be extended to all students in Textiles and Fashion who entered especially the students listed below.

We have some special winners:


Student champion 18 years and under - Tyniah Morrison for her decorated cushion ( she won a sewing machine for herself and one for the school)

2nd for her decorated cushion- Tharushi Jayasekara

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