March 1, 2017

Ash Wednesday

Today as a school community we celebrate Ash Wednesday which is the first day of the season of Lent. Throughout the morning, blessed ashes were marked on the foreheads of our students and staff in the form of a cross. The smudge mark made by the ashes is a visible reminder of the commitment we enter into during Lent and of the forgiveness and strength which is the gift of Jesus to each of us.

During the season of Lent we are challenged to reconcile ourselves to God. But the place to begin is to reconcile ourselves with one another. We need to fast. Perhaps we will be fasting from the hurts and grudges we bear against one another, the anger we allow to simmer away under our false smiles, the rumours we allow to go round and round, the finger-pointing we participate in, the inability to love ourselves and each other with forgiveness. We are encouraged to forgive ourselves, to forgive one another and to accept God’s forgiveness in our lives so that we may live peacefully.

As members of the Merici College community we commit to raise money for Caritas Project Compassion and offer hope to the millions of families who fight for justice, peace and survival every single day.  It is an ongoing demonstration of the faith, love and generosity of our Catholic congregation, all in the name of justice and peace.



Check out what’s on and upcoming at Merici!