
Mother's Day Prayer and Breakfast

We would like to thank all our mums, grandmothers, aunties and significant others from our Merici family for attending our Mother's Day Prayer and Breakfast this morning, Monday 13 May. The focus of the Prayer was centred around the ongoing nurturing that mothers provide to their children every day. Students wrote messages of thanks, appreciation and love to their mums and significant others; recognising the important role they play in their lives. After the Prayer, guests and students enjoyed a delicious breakfast catered by our Hospitality staff in the restaurant.

Open Day Thank You!

We would like to acknowledge the wonderful contribution made by students which, in no small part, contributed to the success of our Open Day. Over 200 students participated in Open Day activities during the day and into the night. The students were all wonderful ambassadors for our school and we have received excellent feedback from all our visitors on your exceptional skills in conducting school tours, participating in classroom activities, and presenting dance, music and drama performances.

Merici team in the ACT’s first ever ‘Philosothon’ Competition!

On Wednesday 8 May, the Merici team in the ACT’s first ever ‘Philosothon’ competition won an impressive 3rd place overall and have earned Merici a place at the Australasian Philosothon, to be held later this year and involving schools from across Australia and New Zealand. This was a fine achievement at a high level competition. Anna Wearden of Year 10 also won 1st place from all students in her year level. Congratulations to the team and to Anna.

Merici College Open Day today!

Merici College Open Day today, Wednesday 8 May from 2pm, Principal's Address 2.15pm and 5.45pm. Come along and see why Merici is a school of choice by merit!

The families who choose come from far and wide. Your daughter will form friendships with others from an extensive area. Here is a snapshot of the suburbs where our Year 7 students currently reside, including our families from Murrumbateman , Yass and Bungendore.

ANZAC Assembly

Merici College held its Anzac Assembly on Tuesday 30 April. The assembly provided the community with the opportunity to pause and remember the men and women who have served in Australia’s Defence Force, honouring their memory. In particular we celebrated our theme 'Honouring Women in the Australian Defence Forces'.


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