
Year 7 Aspiring to Achieve Parent Workshops

On Tuesday 18 February we welcomed parents and students from Year 7 to our Aspiring to Achieve workshops. The workshops are aimed at supporting our families to a successful transition into high school at Merici. The evening commenced with a presentation by Coastlife Adventures regarding the upcoming Year 7 Camp. This was followed by a rotation of three key sessions covering:

2020 Opening School Mass #BuildingFutures

The Merici College school community welcomed parents, friends and representatives from our Colleges, Primary schools and Catholic Education at their Opening School Mass on Tuesday 18 February. The Mass was celebrated by Principal Celebrant Fr Josh Scott with Fr Emil Milat who assisted him. We also extended a special welcome to the Sisters of the Orders who were instrumental as the founding Orders of the College.

2020 Swimming Carnival Results

Congratulations to all students who competed in both the competitive and novelty events. There was certainly an abundance of community spirit and everyone had an enjoyable day. It was wonderful to see so many girls participating in all of the events and our senior girls leading by example. A big thank you to all the parents, students and staff members who helped make the day a success.

Championship Trophy

1st Ningil

2nd Seiwa

3rd Balgo


Age Champions and Runners Up:

12 Years:

Principal's Address - Opening School Assembly

I’m pleased to have our entire school together to celebrate the beginning of this academic year, and to welcome new staff and students that have joined us over the holidays here at Merici College.

A special welcome to the Year 7s who start their journey of being a high school student. And to the new students who have joined Merici into Years 8-11 – welcome and I hope you feel excited about your arrival.

I hope you have had a relaxing and rejuvenating summer holiday break. School has arrived, and with it, new dreams to achieve and new horizons to explore.

BSSS Recognition of Excellence Awards

We congratulate the following students who received an award at the 2019 BSSS Recognition of Excellence Ceremony today. The BSSS Recognition of Excellence Ceremony is a prestigious award ceremony in December by the BSSS. Awards are given in five categories: Community Services, Vocational Studies, Academic Excellence, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students and Academic Achievement. We congratulate:

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