
100% hOPE ...Giving children a future and a hope!

The 100% Hope Choir’s performance at Merici College was inspirational. The enthusiasm of the audience was as infectious as the passion and energy of the 9 Ugandan students who danced, drummed and sang their way into the hearts of our students. The message of Hope was subtle, no preaching, just story telling. We feel privileged to have had the honour of hosting the choir and will certainly do it again. Our only regret is that the whole school was not able to see it.

Merici celebrates Maths Pi Day

Thank you to St Thomas More's Primary and Rosary Primary who joined in our Pi Day celebrations on Friday 15 March. Over the past two days we have enjoyed exploring the number Pi and other areas of mathematics through a range of hands on, individual and group activities. Students rotated around stations for a 45-minute session run by Mathematics staff and students.

International Women’s Day - Strength as Women!

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Celebrated on March 8, the day marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. The theme for this year was #BalanceforBetter and to support this special occasion, the Merici community received a white lapel ribbon representing the College’s symbol for the year, the white lily/fleur de lis to wear with pride, as well as hosting an IWB Strength as Women cocktail party.

Merici Green Tip #6 - Our SAMs

A record number of students have signed up to be part of the Sustainability at Merici (SAM) Group. Almost ninety students signed up last Thursday at our Activities Expo, more than 10% of the student population. A reflection of the growing awareness of urgent action on climate change and environmental protection! Enjoy our photos from our Activities Expo. Well done to Gabby Cox, our Sustainability Captain for her efforts in organising the stall and speaking to our students.

Merici celebrates International Women's Day .... strength as women!

Today we are celebrating International Women's Day. International Women's Day  is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for moving towards gender parity (International Women’s Day website).

All staff and students received a white lapel ribbon today - wear this with pride! The white ribbon represents our symbol for the year, the white lily/fleur de lis and celebrates our strength as women.

Project Compassion - supporting Caritas

Merici College is once again supporting Caritas Australia's Project Compassion Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. Starting on Ash Wednesday, students have been asked to donate their spare change to their Pastoral class Project Compassion collection box. Each Friday afternoon for four weeks, and the final Thursday of Term 1, House tallies are being recorded. College Cup points will be awarded after the final collection on Thursday 11 April. The overall aim is for Merici College to support Caritas Australia's initiatives (see posters attached).

'Fidelitas' Opening School Mass

The Merici College school community welcomed parents, friends and representatives from our Colleges, Primary schools and Catholic Education at their Opening School Mass on Tuesday 26 February. The Mass was celebrated by principal celebrant Fr Josh Scott with Fr Emil Milat, Rev Simon Falk and Fr Loi Viovicente who assisted him. The Merici community embraced their 2019 College theme, Fidelitas as they celebrated their mission and vision of building a loving community that is strong in faith.  

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