
Merici College Open Day today!

Merici College Open Day today, Wednesday 8 May from 2pm, Principal's Address 2.15pm and 5.45pm. Come along and see why Merici is a school of choice by merit!

The families who choose come from far and wide. Your daughter will form friendships with others from an extensive area. Here is a snapshot of the suburbs where our Year 7 students currently reside, including our families from Murrumbateman , Yass and Bungendore.

ANZAC Assembly

Merici College held its Anzac Assembly on Tuesday 30 April. The assembly provided the community with the opportunity to pause and remember the men and women who have served in Australia’s Defence Force, honouring their memory. In particular we celebrated our theme 'Honouring Women in the Australian Defence Forces'.


Easter Reflection

On Friday 12 April, the Merici College community reflected on the significance of Easter by exploring the Stations of the Cross and other important aspects of Holy Week in the Easter Liturgy. The liturgy was completely student-focussed with approximately 50 students leading all elements. We wish our community a very Holy and safe Easter.

Merici Solar Energy System

This week our solar energy system was officially handed over to the school by SolarHub.

School Sustainability Captain Gabrielle Cox, several students and Merici's Sustainability Leadership Team were all present to learn about how the system works and see the data live.

As it was a cool and sunny day, our system of 276 panels at 92KW was actually providing 33% of the school's energy even though overall it is expected to average 18% of our usage. Very exciting!

Students attend art exhibition launch 'The Historical Expression of Chinese Art'

Merici College was very honoured to be the only college to be invited to the official launch of the exhibition 'The Historical Expression of Chinese Art' at the National Museum of Australia on 4 April 2019. Ellen Rowe, Dorothy-Rose Mercieca and Catherine Cunningham were very fortunate to have attended the event. All of us learned a lot about the basic elements Chinese calligraphy and painting though a very informative guided tour.

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