
2022 DonateLife Week Launch

The Merici College community would like to thank Canberra Health Services for the privilege of hosting the official launch of DonateLife Week. We would like to thank all our guests for attending. Special thanks to our guest speakers:

Rachel Stephen-Smith, Minister for Health

Dr Sean Chan, State Medical Director, DonateLife ACT

Lucinda Barry, CEO, Organ and Tissue Authority

Julie Voutos, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Renal Outpatients, Canberra Health Services

Joshua Lindenthaler, Heart Transplant Recipient


Donatelife Week 2022 Launch

The Great Registration Race for DonateLife Week is now on! Looking forward to the official launch tomorrow, Monday 25 July 10.30am, at Merici College and welcoming guest speakers Minister for Health, Rachel Stephen-Smith, MLA, Dr Sean Chan, State Medical Director DonateLife ACT, Lucinda Barry, CEO, Organ and Tissue Authority, Julie Voutos, Clinical Nurse Consultant - Renal Outpatients, Canberra Health Services and Joshua Lindenthaler, Heart Transplant Recipient.

CASE Oceans Junior Program - Last Days!

Our CASE Oceans Program group are enjoying their last few days in Queensland. Over the last two days they visited Rainforestation Nature Park, where they fed and patted kangaroos and wallabies, painted and threw boomerangs, and took part in the Pamagirri Aboriginial experience where they learnt about the local peoples and also got to do some dancing! Back at the hotel, the students presented their experience at OceanSschool and officially graduated! Today they will be spending the morning in Cairns before making there way back to Canberra! Have a safe trip home everyone!

CASE Junior Oceans Program Update - Daintree Rainforest

An update from our CASE Oceans program group, sharing some great photos of their visit to Daintree Rainforest. The group darted off looking for crocodiles in the Daintree river, seeing seven - one male, two female adults and three babies! They also went to the Daintree Discovery Centre to learn about the local flora and fauna. After lunch, the group was treated to locally made ice cream, before some shopping and dinner in Port Douglas. #acturaaustralia #oceansprogram #empoweringindependence #mericipride

CASE Junior Oceans Program Update - Cairns

Our CASE Junior Oceans Program continues to go well in Cairns with the group spending the day on Fitzroy Island and the Moore Reef pontoon where they snorkelled, used the water slide, touched sea life and went on a glass-bottom boat. They also spent time at the Cairns Night Markets, with the candy store the favourite shop! Looking forward to hearing more exciting news girls! #empoweringindependence #ActuraAustralia #OceansProgram

CASE Junior Oceans Program Update

Our CASE Junior Oceans group have enjoyed lots of wonderful activities over the last few days with pool buddy safety training to prepare for their upcoming snorkeling. The group learnt important hand signals and had some fun racing each other. They also headed down to Pratton Park to learn about how we use transects and quadrats in ecology and helped to collect microplastics in the beach sand for further research at Griffith University. The group learnt that each year we eat the equivalent of a credit card in plastic!

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