
2018 Activities Expo: Getting Active and Involved!

2018 Activities Expo: Getting Active and Involved!

Belonging to a community and been actively involved brings a whole lot of benefits not only to the individual but also enriches the community. On Thursday 1 March 2018 Merici College showcased all the wonderful co-curricular activities that students could become involved in through the Activities Expo, with over 31 activities on offer.

Activities include:

Alicia Molik supporting Merici Tennis

Year 7 and 8 students were very fortunate to have the Federation Cup Captain and former World No 8 Tennis Player Alicia Molik come and speak with them this week about the importance of females being active. Alicia’s conversation was about inspiring, energising and empowering young women to be more active and encouraging girls to participate in sports and build each other up. Participation in “Physical Activity is not about being the best or being perfect, it’s about giving it a go, trying new things and making new friends.

Green Tip #2

Happy Year of the Reef!

Here is our green tip for the week:

It’s Clean Up Australia day tomorrow, Friday 2 March.

Lots of ways for you to get involved at Merici College tomorrow …

Enrolling Now 2019 Campaign

Our Open Day is a wonderful opportunity for prospective families and their daughters to see the College in action and meet our students; Principal's Address, Year 7 Information Session, guided tours, and lots more.

Be a Merici Girl for a Day provides Year 6 students with an opportunity to experience a typical day at Merici College. Students spend a full day at school and are given a timetable which they follow to demonstrate the diverse and enriching curriculum offered at Merici College.

We look forward to seeing you at these events.

Swimming Carnival Results 2018

We were blessed with a beautiful day for our annual Swimming Carnival. Congratulations to all students who competed in both the competitive and novelty events. There was certainly an abundance of community spirit and everyone had an enjoyable day,

Championship Trophy

1st Ningil

2nd Brescia

3rd Balgo


House Spirit Award

1st Brescia

2nd Tullow

3rd Penola


Age Champions:

12yrs: Chloe Rushton-Ningil

13yrs: Chloe Petropoulos-Seiwa

Lenten Reflection

The penitential season of Lent is the period of forty days (excluding Sundays) beginning on Ash Wednesday. It is a season of the Church year that observes the forty days Jesus fasted and prayed in the wilderness before He began His public ministry of preaching for repentance. For me, the beginning of each Lenten season conjures up memories of giving up lollies, going to the Stations of the Cross and eating fish and chips every Friday night. The three traditional ways to prepare for Easter are through Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. There are many ways that we can achieve this.

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