
Advent Mass 2022

Principal's Address - 2022 Advent Mass

Good morning everyone and how blessed are we to celebrate such a wondrous mass together. This morning we have marked the advent of Christ – we await, with hope and eagerness, His arrival as our saviour. Thank you, Fr Emil, for leading us, in community, so beautifully. Thank you to Mrs Tolfree who brought us together in community (as you have done so with great energy and creativity all year) and thank you to all members of our community who worked with her to make todays’ celebration so special.

Merici College Green Tip #36: It's Sw(OP) Shop time!

It's Sw(OP) shop time!


Fact: 50% of all fabric ever made is now in landfill.

Fact: 30 million pairs of jeans are sold in the world DAILY

​Going Circular documentary film, 2022

Be part of the solution by supporting the annual SW(OP) shop, either by donating, buying for a gold coin, or BOTH

Clean, re-usable donations only please to the collection bin opposite Student Services.


Felicity Maher
Sustainability Officer

Year 12 Farewell Assembly

On Friday 11 November, our community officially farewelled our Year 12 students at a very special assembly. The students also presented a beautiful gift to the school, a large spun Copper Bird Bath Dish which will be placed in our garden. We also celebrated the achievements of all our Houses at the Swimming Carnival and announced the winners of the 2022 College Cup!

Congratulations to:


Swimming Carnival Champions: Tullow House

House Spirit Award: Tullow House

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