
Merici College Showcase 2017

Creativity is about human expression and communicating deeply. It is a gift where every artist desires to share a glimpse into part of themselves. Merici College celebrates the artistic gifts and talents of our students throughout the year but especially at our annual Showcase Exhibition.

Our students are creative risk takers, they day-dream and work hard to craft the product that tells the story they want to be told in the medium they choose to explain the mystery of life, and the adventure we are all on.

Year 10 Christian Service Week

We are continuing our Christian Service Learning Program this year with a Christian Service Week involving all Year 10 students from Monday 20 November to Friday 24 November, 2017 inclusive. Students will be required to volunteer at various agencies throughout the Canberra region.  

Year 9 Urban Challenge - Student Reflection

The Urban Challenge was a once in a lifetime experience. Amidst selfies with dogs and never-ending barbeque line-ups Year 9 had heaps of fun but also learnt about the importance of teamwork and co-operation. Each team role was challenging in its own way and everyone had to work together to reach each day’s goals. It also taught us how to work in a group with people that we did not necessarily know.

Merici Weekly Green Tip #21

Here is our green tip for the week:

Spring is in full swing in Canberra and there are lots of bees  buzzing around helping to pollinate our plants!

However, bee populations are under serious threat from habitat destruction and pesticides which the puts the future of food production under stress.

To support native bees, you can plant “bee-friendly” species such as basil, rosemary, lemons, chillies, eucalypts and foxglove.

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