
Year 9 Entrepreneurs 'It's Your Move'

‘Entrepreneurs: It’s your Move’ is an innovative curriculum program created through ACT Health and the Education Department for Year 9 students to study a semester program developing and implementing a real-life health project at Merici College. As part of the Global Studies program, students learn problem solving through design thinking, an approach highly regarding in industry occupations particularly within STEM and entrepreneurial industries.

ANU Maths Day

On Friday May 25th, a team of five of our top senior mathematicians (Lauren Paterson, Bronte Alexander, Ravneet Dillon, Nicole Clough and Rosemary Zielinski) took part in the annual ANU Maths Day among more than 30 other College teams from Canberra and the region.

Aerospace Engineering - Samantha Trafford writes about the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn

Our Year 10 Engineering students began their aerospace engineering course this year looking at the history of human space flight and exploration.  As part of this topic each student undertook research on a space mission of their choice, and produced a popular science-style article about that mission.

This week, Samantha Trafford writes about the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn.

Our International Baccalaureate Journey

As a community, we have been considering the merits of International Baccalaureate (IB) programs in the Merici context since 2016.  Our early investigations found a high level of alignment between the existing Merici Mission and Vision Statement and Principles of Powerful Learning and the IB Mission statement and IB Learner Profiles. The IB’s focus on inquiry learning also reflected Merici’s pedagogical approach to teaching and learning, while providing additional teaching resources and research-based support underpinning the programs.

Merici students' outstanding performance at ACT Titration Stakes

Merici College fielded two teams in the ACT Titration Stakes on Tuesday evening.  In a competition valuing technical skill and precision, teams must determine the concentration of a solution of sodium hydroxide and then use this to further determine the concentrations of three separate solutions of acetic acid.

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