
Life at Merici College

Established in 1959, Merici College educates young women from Years 7-12.

Merici is a vibrant, welcoming and energetic community with a rich tradition of pastoral care and a stimulating curriculum designed to meet the individual needs of each student.

Merici actively fosters the development of the gifts and talents of each student whilst promoting active participation within our community. We encourage leadership and challenge students to reach out to the wider community in a spirit of compassion and solidarity.

Merici College Green Tip #1 - A Family Guide to Waste-Free Living

During Term 1 at Merici we focus on reducing waste and hope that this translates into action here at school, at home and wherever you may go.

I was recently introduced to a lovely and inspiring book, A Family Guide to Waste-Free Living, which can assist us all to do better with reducing our waste. It is about a family of five living near Hobart who have produced no waste or recycling since 2015. They remind us that even through recycling, we are using energy and resources. 

Costa Georgiadis provides the foreword and states that:

The Year in Sustainability

To garden is to care deeply, inclusively, and audaciously for the world outside our homes and our heads. It’s a way of being that’s intimately interwoven with the real truths of existence – not the things we’re told to value (money, status, ownership), but the things that actually matter ( sustenance, perspective, beauty, connection, growth). To be a gardener is to be invested in a place – to know it, to protect it and to be present. Georgina Reid, The Planthunter

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