
What is Interdisciplinary Learning at Merici College?

Can you imagine a student working on a Geography project that is also assessed by their French teacher? Or how about having to work on a Italian project that is also marked by a Business teacher?

The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) at Merici College offers just such an opportunity. Students are provided with the chance to connect and collaborate across subjects through what is known as an interdisciplinary unit (IDU). The purpose of this is to allow students to investigate complex problems through different lenses whilst referring to knowledge gained in different disciplines.

Inspiring Dusted Off Performance

Today our Year 10 students were treated to a wonderful performance by Brett Hunt, a one-man show called Dusted Off. Dusted Off is the story of youth seeking adventure and of the traumatic reality of war, for those who fight and for those who support them. Accomplished actor and guitarist Brett Hunt shared his family’s story about the Vietnam War.

Our students were highly engaged with the performance and valued learning more about the war and Brett's family experiences during the war and after. Thank you Brett for your inspiring and unique performance!


Year 9 Pilot Outreach activity from the ANU’s College of Engineering and Computer Science

Today nine students from Years 9-11 participated in a pilot outreach activity from the ANU’s College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS).  Delivered virtually, but with the help of an on-site facilitator from the ANU, the students heard a keynote speech from Associate Professor Katia Bazaka and then took part in two hands-on workshops. 

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