
Merici College Year 12 students excel and achieve outstanding academic excellence

Congratulations to all our 2022 Year 12 students who received their ATARs this week.


Freya Spring for achieving an ATAR of 99.35

Colette Paterson for achieving an ATAR of 99.2

Median ATAR achieved - 82.15

16% of students achieved an ATAR over 95

29% of students achieved an ATAR over 90

54% of students achieved an ATAR over 80

98% of students achieved an ATAR over 60


Merici College Year 12 students open to all possibilities in life after ATAR

Year 12 students open to all possibilities in life after ATAR

By Sarah Lansdown

December 16 2022 - 5:00am

Thousands of year 12 students have discovered their ATAR scores this week, bringing an end to their high school careers.

But the university entrance score is not as crucial as it once was, with many students receiving early offers or choosing to take a break from academia.

Merici College recipient of ACT Government Climate Choices Schools Awards 2022

Congratulations to Merici College who today received Winner Awards in the ACT Government Climate Choices Schools Awards 2022 – Winner Sustainable Leadership Award for the SAM Team, Winner Sustainable Project Award for the Biodiversity Restoration and Re-wilding Project, Sustainable Leadership Award Secondary Student - Colette Paterson, Sustainable Leadership Award Staff - Felicity Maher.

Merici College Music Program

Instrumental and Vocal Opportunities

At Merici College, students have the opportunity to participate in private instrumental lessons to learn a musical instrument or sing with one of our vocal tutors, during school hours on campus. Individual tutor rates are $41 per half hour lessons. Lesson times are rotated to allow for flexibility with school timetabling.

Instrumental Tutors

Year 10 Academic Awards Ceremony

Principal's Address 2022

Year 10 Awards Ceremony 2022

Today we gather to celebrate the end of the academic calendar in a year of challenges, joys and the building of a culture of seeing the “other” through service. We also take this opportunity to recognise the successes, strength, resilience and passion exhibited by our young women in 2022. So much has been achieved, both academically and more broadly, by our students who have had the courage to serve our community whilst honouring their own dreams and capabilities.

Year 12 2022 Award Recipients

We would like to congratulate all Year 12 students on their outstanding academic achievements.

On Tuesday 29 November, our community congratulated the following students who received special awards.

Freya Spring - Merici College 2022 DUX

Colette Paterson - Merici College 2022 Proxime Accessit

Serena Cremen Farrington - ANU Psychology Award

Freya Spring - Australian Mathematics Trust Award

Erin Gately - Australian Institute of Physics

Georgia Tonkin - ADFA Future Innovators Award

Jessica Morris - Long Tan Leadership Award

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