
Student placed in top 50 students in Australia for Physics, Chemistry and Earth/Environnmental Science

We congratulate Rosemary Zielinski (Year 11), who this year sat all four of the Australian Science Olympiad exams: Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth/Environmental Science (EES). 

Rosemary placed in the top 50 students in Australia for Physics, Chemistry and EES, and has been invited to the Olympiad Summer School for both Physics and EES.  Rosemary has chosen to undertake Physics.

Australian National Chemistry Quiz Student Achievements

Earlier in Term 3, a number of students in Years 9-12 sat the Australian National Chemistry Quiz. Congratulations to the following students who have been awarded certificates of achievement.

Year 9:

Distinction: Ashley Frater

Credit: Hafsah Mughal


Year 10:

High Distinction: Annalise Lennon

Distinction: Ashlyn Radford, Kaheesha Rai, Jemma Richardson, Samantha Trafford

Credit: Lily Alexander, Shreya Bhatnagar, Bridget Darby, Emma Garratt, Areebah Murad, Angel Ravi


Year 11:

Green Tip #15 E-Waste at Merici

What & How?

Merici has partnered with WV Technologies to begin a community e-waste recycling program on campus. The e-waste collection cage is outside the IT staffroom towards the Wise Street staff carpark. Merici staff, students and parents can drop off:

  • Laptops
  • Desktops
  • Mobile phones
  • Screens

Please note the program doesn’t include appliances (like toasters) or consumer electronics (like DVD players). Keep your drop-offs limited to the list above please!


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