
The Year in Global Studies

What a year we have had, one like no other! In response to the challenges that arose in our community due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers rallied together and developed interesting and engaging activities which were delivered remotely during the lockdown period. Their professional approach to caring for the students was impressive. The Global Studies Department includes the subjects of Legal Studies, Business Studies, Graphic Design, Senior Ancient and Modern History, Geography, History, Civics and Citizenship, Business and Economics, Integrated Humanities, Food Technology and Textiles.

The Year in English

Being an English teacher at Merici College is fantastic because we see the passion and empathy of our students as they explore great literature and other forms of communication.

The Year in Religious Education

And we thought 2019 was a year of change! Just as things were settling in towards the end of Term 1, remote learning was upon us. Rather than seeing this as a huge imposition, the Religious Education staff jumped in to the challenge and managed to engage the students with some new ways of doing things – many of which have remained as we returned to the “new normal” once back at school. The variety of new software being used in classes is amazing!

The Year in Languages

The Languages Department has an activity-filled year. We are raising the cultural awareness in the school community by celebrating national days and festivals from Italy, China and France. An important but simple way to attain inter-cultural understanding is through food and celebrations.

The Year in Science

Wow, what a year. Bushfires, smoke, hail, COVID-19, remote learning and the constant feeling of not really knowing what was going to happen next, has made this a highly unusual year for everyone. It is definitely a year we would like to not repeat, but it has also shown how amazing and resilient the Merici community really is, including the Science Department.

The Year in Mathematics


Throughout this year, students across Year 7-12 have shown resilience and creative ways to engage in Mathematics, both online and in the classroom.

We have welcomed to the Department Mr. Damien Nemeth and Miss Emma Bishop at the start of the year and Mr. Ed Mickleburgh and Mr. Damien Woods in Semester 2. All come with a wealth of experience and a passion for teaching and learning.

What is Interdisciplinary Learning at Merici College?

Can you imagine a student working on a Geography project that is also assessed by their French teacher? Or how about having to work on a Italian project that is also marked by a Business teacher?

The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) at Merici College offers just such an opportunity. Students are provided with the chance to connect and collaborate across subjects through what is known as an interdisciplinary unit (IDU). The purpose of this is to allow students to investigate complex problems through different lenses whilst referring to knowledge gained in different disciplines.

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