
Merici College Green Tip #31: Will climate change affect you?

According to the image above, if you live anywhere in Australia, you will be affected by climate change induced water stress in the form of droughts or floods.

Already across much of Australia, devastating drought and floods have occurred in recent years.

Image Source: Environmental Consulting Professionals

The water crisis will impact the most populated regions of the world by 2040.

Merici College Green Tip #20 - What is Sustainability?

What is Sustainability?

While carbon emissions reduction is significant in promoting sustainability, sustainability itself is much broader. 

It encompasses environmental, economic, and social aspects of life, with separate attention to every component in order to foster sustainability and long-term development while preserving a healthy planet for generations to come.

Merici College Green Tip #17 - World Environment Day

June 5th is World Environment Day.

Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for 50 years and held annually on 5 June since 1973, World Environment Day is the largest global platform for environmental public outreach and is celebrated by millions of people across the world. 

What can you do?

Refuse, reduce, re-use, and recycle your plastics.


Merici College Green Tip #16 - Our choices and ocean plastic waste

Motivation to choose to refuse single use and other plastic items...

“Between 2013 and 2015, I sailed around the world in a small catamaran. I sailed in the Indian Ocean and there, clearly, I sailed in plastic waste for nearly two months. It was a shock. Sometimes I had to stop 40 times a day because the waste was stuck in my rudders, in my daggerboards. I had been lucky enough to do that same circumnavigation as a child, and when I talk about it with my parents, they tell me they never had to pick up a piece of plastic waste in the sea.”   

Merici College Green Tip #15 - From the Pope...Care of our Common Home

How inseparable is the bond between concern for nature, justice for the poor, commitment to society, and interior peace” 

(Pope Francis ‘Laudato Si’ – On Care for Our Common Home’ 2015 para 10)

Through his encyclical, Laudato Sí , Pope Francis provides advice on how to address these world problems. 

Merici College Green Tip #14 - World Bee Day

This Friday, May 20th, is World Bee Day.

World Bee Day is held in recognition of the role bees play in sustaining food security, biodiversity, ecosystems health... and ultimately humans and many other species. 

At Merici we will be holding a lunchtime stall on Friday 20 May offering honey joys for $1 and beeswax lip balm for $3 made by students.

Proceeds will be donated to Wheen Bee Foundation, towards the Rita Fund for Australian Native Bees.

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