
Merici College Green Tip #4 - Reduce waste and increase garden productivity!

This is great! You can use your eggs shells to make little seed starter pots!

To make your own seed starting pots from eggshells, fill each half with good potting soil and set them in an egg carton. Plant seeds in these DIY "pots" and care for them as you would any other seed. When the seedlings are big enough to go out in the garden, simply give the shell a little squeeze. This cracks the eggshell and allows the seedlings to send roots out through the eggshells and into the garden more easily!

Merici College Green Tip #3 - Biodegradable, Compostable and Degradable, which to choose?

​The terms biodegradable, compostable and degradable all create the impression that they offer better environmental outcomes to conventional plastics and that they disappear harmlessly into the environment, right?  

No, this is not the case. 

As the world moves to ban single-use plastics, biodegradable plastics are increasingly in focus as an environmentally friendly alternative. However, some plastics degrade into microplastics, others take a very long time to disappear from the environment, and in certain conditions they produce powerful greenhouse gases.

Merici College Green Tip #2 - One roast chicken, five people, three meals and zero waste?

As a committed sustainability practitioner, I will always promote plant-based eating most of the time for its lower environmental impact. However, I am also a realist and understand the diversity of food people may select. 

In continuing our waste reduction theme in Term 1, I refer to the great book which was the focus of last week's Green Tip. 

The family in A Family Guide to Waste Free Living  use one roast chicken to serve five people over three meals with zero waste.

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