
Merici College Green Tip #6 - International Women's Day

Today is International Women’s Day.The 2022 theme is:“Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”recognising the contribution of women and girls who are leading the charge on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and response, to build a more sustainable future for all.


I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank the students and staff here at Merici, particularly the SAM's (Sustainability at Merici), as well as the Sustainability Captains, past and present, for their contribution. 





Green Tip #5 - It is Clean Up Australia Day this Sunday, March 6th

Sunday, March 6th is Clean Up Australia Day. 

Litter is a problem for wildlife and human health, water quality, soil quality, oceans...everything really. 

Not only is it unappealing to look at, it can also affect the environment for many years. This is turn affects us.

We have all seen images of wildlife trapped in six-pack plastic rings, or birds and turtles with plastic rings around their neck. 

So, cleaning up is important.

You can either join a Clean Up Australia Day event near you or do your own collection of rubbish in your neighbourhood. 

Meric College Green Tip #4: Accepting Terracycle donations

Call out to the Merici Community...

Our Terracycle collection is now ready to take your donations in the entry to Student Services.

For oral care products:

Please only toothpaste tubes and caps, manual toothbrushes, electric toothbrush heads, and floss containers.

Not accepted are electronic toothbrush handles and bases. Terracycle offers a separate programme for these items if you are keen to follow up. 

​For beauty product packages:

Merici College Green Tip #3 - What can you do with used batteries?

Every year thousands of tonnes of batteries are used in Australia, many of which dangerously end up in landfills. 

The metals found in alkaline and rechargeable batteries include cadmium, mercury and lead. 

If left exposed, these metals can leak and contaminate the soil and groundwater, causing significant health and environmental risks.

Rechargeable batteries are considered hazardous waste and should never be thrown away as general waste.

Green Tip #2 - Meric College Green Tip #2 - Have you wondered if what you do makes a difference?

If you have wondered if your individual efforts to compost can make a difference, read on.....

Australian group, Compost Revolution, tested the idea across 41,000 Australian homes. 

The result was 10 million kgs of food waste diverted from landfill and 19 million kgs of greenhouse gases avoided.

Just how much is 10 million kgs? 

That's the equivalent of over 83,000 full-size wheelie bins of perfectly good resources U-turned out of landfill and sent back to the Earth to replenish the soil, grow veggies and plants, and sequester carbon or:

The Year in Creative and Performing Arts

The Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) Department has enjoyed a very productive year despite the restrictions of COVID-19 lockdown. In February, we welcomed a new visual art teacher, Ms. Holly Bray, to our team and she has inspired the students to create some remarkable art works this year. We also welcomed Ms. Stacey Kernaghan, who has been sharing her knowledge of media with the Year 9 and 10 students.

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