
Merici College Green Tip #43 - Merici and the ACT Government's Sustainable Schools Program

Last term, Merici signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the ACT government's Sustainable Schools Program.

It’s a free program for all ACT schools which supports actions through taking a whole school approach to:

  • Improve sustainability;
  • Take climate action; and
  • Reduce emissions.

By applying the framework across the school’s operations, curriculum, and community, the program can help the school:

Merici College Green Tip #42 - Sw(op) Shop- we are receiving donations now!

The time is now..

Please send your donations to the bin in Student Services.

SW(op) shop will be in Term 4 on Tuesday 7 November at lunch-time in C1/C2.

Start clearing out your unwanted, clean, re-usable items and stand by for donation instructions!

  • Fact: 50% of all fabric ever made is now in landfill.
  • Fact: 30 million pairs of jeans are sold in the world DAILY

Be part of the solution by supporting the annual SW(OP) shop, either by donating, buying for a gold coin, or BOTH.

Clean, re-usable donations only please.

Merici College Green Tip #41 - Sustainable Canberra Expo on 13 and 14 October

The ACT Government is holding the inaugural Sustainable Canberra Expo on 13 and 14 October 2023 at Thoroughbred Park. 

The Expo is free to attend and open to the ACT and surrounding community. 

At the Expo you can discover how to save money on your energy bills and live a happier, healthier, more sustainable life. 

Some of the activities include:

Merici College Green Tip #40 - No such thing as away ... and what you can do!

Have you ever thought about this?


For the time being you can make sure that some of your "waste" goes somewhere useful.

Bring your used oral care products, make-up product packaging and unrepairable stockings to the collection boxes in Student Services. 

Also, please prepare your clean, unwanted clothing for donation to the annual Sw(op) shop in Term 4, Tuesday November 7th.

Merici College Green Tip #39 - Climate Changers film screening at Dendy Cinema

CLIMATE CHANGERS is Tim Flannery’s search for leadership on climate change.

Where are the leaders who will drive change? Are they strong enough to triumph where others have failed?

Tim poses these questions as he meets leaders past and present in the hope of finding answers.

Climate change is humanity’s greatest challenge. This film delves into what frustrates Tim, what motivates him, and where he believes the solutions lie.

Merici College Green Tip #37 - National Threatened Species Day

7 September is National Threatened Species Day.

This date marks a sad day in Australia's history - the death of the last Tasmanian Tiger in 1936.

National Threatened Species Day brings attention to all the Australian native animal and plant species that are facing similar fates to that of the Tasmanian tiger.

What can you do to help? Click here for ten easy ways that you can help wildlife:

Merici College Green Tip #36: Sw(op) Shop is back!

It's Sw(OP) shop time!

Start clearing out your unwanted, clean, re-usable items and stand by for donation instructions!

  • Fact: 50% of all fabric ever made is now in landfill.
  • Fact: 30 million pairs of jeans are sold in the world DAILY

Be part of the solution by supporting the annual SW(OP) shop, either by donating, buying for a gold coin, or BOTH.

SW(op) shop will be in Term 4. Date to be advised.

Clean, re-usable donations only please.

Stay tuned... collection point details to be advised.


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