
IWD Principal's Blog

I am a proud graduate of a Catholic, all-girls school. I attended St Brigid’s College in Lesmurdie in WA from Kindy to Year 12 and last year celebrated my graduating class’s 30th reunion.

I am now the proud principal of a Catholic, all-girls school. At Merici we support every student, academically, spiritually, physically, emotionally and socially, in their endeavour to create a pathway where they can try, fail, learn, succeed and celebrate.

Merici celebrates International Women's Day .... strength as women!

Today we are celebrating International Women's Day. International Women's Day  is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for moving towards gender parity (International Women’s Day website).

All staff and students received a white lapel ribbon today - wear this with pride! The white ribbon represents our symbol for the year, the white lily/fleur de lis and celebrates our strength as women.

Project Compassion - supporting Caritas

Merici College is once again supporting Caritas Australia's Project Compassion Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. Starting on Ash Wednesday, students have been asked to donate their spare change to their Pastoral class Project Compassion collection box. Each Friday afternoon for four weeks, and the final Thursday of Term 1, House tallies are being recorded. College Cup points will be awarded after the final collection on Thursday 11 April. The overall aim is for Merici College to support Caritas Australia's initiatives (see posters attached).

Merici Green Tip #4 - Solar Panels Installed at Merici!

Solar Panels Installed at Merici!!

This is a very exciting announcement and the culmination of a committed effort by numerous people over a long time. It is also a big step towards gaining our energy accreditation from ACTsmart Schools later this term.


The Statistics:

System: 93.22kW

Components: 236 x LG NeON2 295W panels and a SolarEdge SE82.8k synergy inverter

Average daily production 386.35kWh/day

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