
Merici Da Vinci Decathlon Team wins the NSW State Comp Ideation task

Having won the Riverina regional competition, the Merici College Year 10 Da Vinci Decathlon team yesterday competed at the NSW State event at Knox Grammar in Sydney.  It was a high-energy day as always, and in a sterling effort, the Merici girls won the Ideation task against more than 60 other Yr 10 teams from across Sydney and NSW. 

Why Merici for College?


Merici College provides many opportunities to our senior students. With our guidance and support we are committed to assisting Year 11 and Year12 students to successfully complete courses that inspire and challenge them and hold them in an excellent position for the future. Whether that future holds a position in the workforce, an apprenticeship, in further training at an Institute of Technology or further studies at University level.

Merici Green Tip #14 - You will be shocked!

If food waste were a country, it would be the world's third largest emitter of greenhouse gases, behind the U.S. and China.

I was astounded to hear this last week at the Q&A session with the Director of the film 2040. In Australia up to 40% of the waste in an average household bin is food (Foodwise).  Rotting food emits methane, a gas that is twenty-five times more warming in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.

Merici Tullow Building Refurbishment ... not just a new roof!

After a complex process of erecting scaffolding necessary to safely remove approximately 10,000 terracotta roof tiles followed by straightening and re-tying roof trusses, installation of new roof sheeting has begun in the first of 6 sections of the 50m long roof. Not only will the roof stronger and more durable, the roof sheets chosen are a sandwich design containing fire retarding insulating wool with bonded sarking. In addition, R3.5 rated ceiling batts will be installed later in the project.

Year 7/8 and Year 9/10 Da Vinci Decathlon Outstanding Results

The Year 7 and 8 teams competed at Canberra Grammar as usual in the ACT competition, accompanied Mrs Renee Taylor, Deputy Principal Learning and Year 12 student Jade Esler.

The Year 8s won the Ideation and Art & Poetry challenges.

The Year 7s won Art & Poetry, were 2nd in English, 3rd in Engineering and Creative Producers, and took 3rd place overall.  This is our best result in the junior competition for some years.

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