Why Merici for College?

With our guidance and support we are committed to assisting Year 11 and Year12 students to successfully complete courses that inspire and challenge them and hold them in an excellent position for the future.


Merici College provides many opportunities to our senior students. With our guidance and support we are committed to assisting Year 11 and Year12 students to successfully complete courses that inspire and challenge them and hold them in an excellent position for the future. Whether that future holds a position in the workforce, an apprenticeship, in further training at an Institute of Technology or further studies at University level.

For the last 60 years Merici has been dedicated to single-sex education and preparing our students to not just think, but really know, deep down – that nothing can stand in their way and that they can make a real difference in the world we live in. At Merici our students are a name, not a number amongst 500 or 1000 students.

For further information www.merici.college

Why Merici for College?

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