
2024 Swimming Carnival Results

Congratulations to everyone who competed at the Swimming Carnival​. At our Whole School Assembly yesterday, we were very excited to announce the age group winners and runners up, as well as our Merici Marlin winner ​and record breakers​.

12 Y and under: Winner: Isabella Clark, Runner Up: Koa Marsden

13 Y: Winner: Layla Bryers, Runner Up: Emily Males

14 Y: Winner: Ada Ciaccia. Runner Up: Amelia Smith

15 Y: Winner: Tara Holmes, Runner Up: Milana Sadler-Pather

16 Y: Winner: Jorja Langi, Runner Up: Amelia Miller

Merici College Green Tip #10 - April 5th is Australia's Earth Overshoot Day

Earth Overshoot Day is the date each year when humanity's demand on nature exceeds the Earth's biocapacity.

This date gets earlier each year, meaning that it is taking less time to use up the resources produced by the Earth and that current consumption is taking from the future. 

For 2024, that date is July 27th.

However, as you can see in the diagram below, when broken down by country, Australia's Overshoot Day 2024 is April 5th.

Merici College Green Tip #9 - A Lower Waste Easter

Australians will spend more than $3 billion this Easter.

Have you noticed just how many single use items come along with Easter each year? 

With a bit of careful planning, you can reduce your waste whilst still enjoying all the traditions and treats of Easter. 

Here are some tips for having a lower waste Easter:

Easter egg foil

Merici College Gift of Life Walk

Sincere thanks to all our community for supporting our Gift of Life Walk this morning. We would like to extend our thanks to Wilko and Courts and the Canberra FM crew for broadcasting live from Merici this morning and helping us raise awareness about organ and tissue donation. Special thanks to Cath Scott and all the staff at Gift of Life Inc. for their involvement and support.

Don't forget everyone, register to become a donor!


Community BBQ

We would like to thank all our community for attending our Welcome BBQ on Friday, 15 March. Special thanks to our Dance Troupe for their amazing dance performances and our Canteen staff for preparing the BBQ dinner. #spes

Merici College Green Tip #7 - Global Recycling Day Monday 18 March.

Next Monday, March 18th is Global Recycling Day.

Recycling is a key part of the circular economy, helping to protect our natural resources. 

Each year recycling saves over 700 million tonnes in CO2 emissions, and this is projected to increase to 1 billion tons by 2030. 

Recycling is a key component for action on climate change and environmental degradation.


At Merici there will be a waste audit in the New Quad at lunchtime on Monday, March 18th.  

All are welcome to participate or observe.


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