
Fr Bernie Patterson celebrates 40 years of service

It was a wonderful opportunity at our recent Commissioning Liturgy, held on Monday 16 October, for Mrs Loretta Wholley, Principal, to take the opportunity of acknowledging and celebrating the work of Fr Bernie Patterson.

"Today we take the opportunity to acknowlege and celebrate Fr Bernie. We do this in thanksgiving for the 40 years of service he gives as a priest since his ordination in 1977.

Fr Bernie:

Commissioning Liturgy of our 2018 College Leaders

Congratulations to our 2018 College Leaders who were commissioned into their new roles by all members of the College.

A special liturgy was held on Monday 16 October where the College Captain and Vice Captain, House Captain and Vice Captains, Specialist Captains, the Narragunnawali Captain and the Transition Captain were officially recognised in their leadership roles for 2018. 

Liza Laird (Acting) Head of Senior School

Liza has recently taken up the position of Head of Senior School for Term 4. She has been a Merici College staff member for 10 years, 9 of which she has served as Penola House Coordinator. She also filled the position of Staff Representative on the Merici College Board for 6 years.

Liza completed her initial teacher training at what is now QUT in Brisbane and she also holds a Graduate Diploma in Leadership (ACU) and a Master of Education, Guidance and Counselling (USQ).

International Day of the Girl ABC Radio Canberra Interview

International Day of the Girl is an international observance day declared by the United Nations and is held on 11 October each year. The observation supports more opportunity for girls and increases awareness of gender inequality faced by girls worldwide based upon their gender. This inequality includes areas such as access to education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care, and protection from discrimination, violence against women and unfree child marriage.

Pilgrimage Reflection 2017

I chose a pilgrimage journey for my Principal’s Renewal Program as a source of spiritual strength, a time of repentance, thanksgiving, prayer and meditation. Also as an opportunity for me to encounter the love of God, learn about the miracles and works of Our Lady and the Saints and deepen my faith. I was privileged to be entrusted to take with your prayers for peace, for discernment, for healing in our hearts, minds bodies, for those who have died and for justice in the world.

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