
Sr Jane Keogh, Member of the Order recipient

Merici College would like to congratulate Sr Jane Keogh, recipient of the Member of the Order Australia (AM) in the General Division for significant service to the community through social welfare advocacy, and to primary education. Sr Jane was a foundation student of the College in 1959. She went on to become Sr Jane Keogh, a Brigidine Sister (a member of one of our Founding Orders), a teacher and school principal for many years. This award is a testament to Sr Jane's outstanding contributions and unwavering dedication.

Merici College Green Tip # 17 - World Environment Day and Great News!

Today is World Environment Day. 

This opportunity for reflection on the Earth and it's systems that support all life occurs on June 5th each year.

Wonderful news has been received acknowledging the work for sustainability and the environment that is ongoing at Merici.

The ACT Environmental Grants Program helps to strengthen community participation and engagement in environmental projects through community led initiatives.

Merici College awarded ACT Environmental Grant for Biodiversity Restoration Project

Wonderful news has been received acknowledging the work for sustainability and the environment that is ongoing at Merici!

The ACT Environmental Grants Program which helps to strengthen community participation and engagement in environmental projects through community led initiatives, has awarded Merici College’s Biodiversity Restoration Project a grant of $23,800. The grant will expand the existing project which is aimed at rewilding a section of the oval along Wise Street with species from the Yellow Box-Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Woodland, one of Canberra's key ecosystems.

St Angela Merici Day 2024

On Friday 31 May, our College community celebrated the Feast Day of St Angela Merici. In 2024, our journey at Merici College is guided by the profound theme of "Spes," meaning hope - a beacon that shines brightly as we commemorate the feast Day of Saint Angela Merici and 65 years of Catholic education in Braddon. Anchored in the timeless wisdom of St. Angela, we embrace hope as our steadfast companion, echoing the biblical assurance, "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure" (Hebrews 6:19).

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