
Merici College Green Tip #36 - A different approach to buying clothes!

The link between the clothes we wear and their impact on our environment is often overlooked.

​According to fashion is the second largest water polluter in the world. 

Also, did you know that nylon production releases nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas that is 300 times more damaging to our climate than CO2? 

Or, that the fashion industry emits more carbon than international flights and maritime shipping combined (Business Insider Australia, 2019). 

Year 12 Farewell Assembly

Today our Year 12 students were formally farewelled by the Merici College community at a special assembly. On behalf of the staff and students, Mrs Wholley thanked the Year 12 students for the wonderful contribution they have made to Merici College over the years, “Strive with all your might to remain as you are called by God and to seek and desire all the ways and means necessary to persevere and make progress to the very end.” St Angela Merici

Every year at the Opening Assembly since 2013 I have concluded with the words:

Merici College Green Tip #35 - Canberra's Zero Waste Festival this week online

To celebrate National Recycling Week, Canberra's Zero Waste Festival is on this week, Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th November.

It is virtual so easy for all to access and includes Maddie Diamond, the ACT Young Australian of the Year, who spoke with our students last term.


Merici Sw(op) Shop Thanks!

Thanks everyone for supporting our #MericiSAM Sw(op) Shop on Tuesday 3 November. Your gold coin donation will go to WWF's Koala's Forever Programme. The iconic Australian koala is facing extinction. After the bushfires with 6000 koalas lost in NSW alone, some key koala populations became officially extinct. WWF has a plan to double koala numbers along our east coast by 2050 and, in so doing, pull the precious populations we have left back from the brink.

Year 7 2021 Orientation Day

Today we welcomed our Year 7 2021 students to Merici College as their participated in their orientation day.

We look forward to formally welcoming our students next year and hope that there final few weeks in primary school are filled with lots of happiness.


Full gallery here

Merici College Green Tip #33 - Save clothing from landfill at Merici Sw(op) Shop event Tuesday 3 November

Australians buy an average of 27 kilograms of new textiles each year and then discard about 23 kilograms into landfill  – and two-thirds of those discards are manmade synthetic/plastic fibres that may never breakdown.

Sustainability consultant Jane Milburn said Australians are the second-largest consumers of new textiles after north Americans who annually buy 37kg each.

The good news is that you can be part of the solution. 

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