
Father's Day Celebration Video 2021

Happy Father’s Day to all our fathers or other father figures (such as stepfather, grandfather, uncle or close family friend)! Each year around Father’s Day, we host a Father-Daughter Mass and Dinner. Due to current restrictions, we have had to cancel the usual celebration and instead, to celebrate the father figures in our students’ lives, we have put together a virtual reflection video to the fathers in the Merici community, to thank them and celebrate their impact on their daughters’ lives.

Merici College Green Tip #27 - Grow Your Own Lettuces - Support our Student Lettuce Sale!

The SAM team (Sustainability at Merici) are selling lettuces grown on site and nurtured in our greenhouse to raise funds for their new team t-shirt.

In addition to supporting our students, growing your own lettuce provides many sustainability benefits:

Student Achievement - Pragnya Gupta (Year 11) awarded NYSF Scholarship

Congratulations to Pragnya Gupta (Year 11) who has been awarded a scholarship into the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) Year 12 Program for 2022. Pragnya is very fortunate to have been offered a full financial scholarship by the Rotary Club of Ginninderra for her participation in the program.

Student Achievement - Elizabeth Ween (Year 11) awarded NYSF Scholarship

Congratulations to Elizabeth Ween (Year 11) who has been awarded a scholarship and granted acceptance into the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) Year 12 Program. The NYSF is a two week in-person and digital - science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) experience for current Year 11 students across Australia. Elizabeth heard about this opportunity during her Year 10 Transitions Week and couldn't feel more privileged to have been granted this scholarship. #mericipride


Book Week 2021

The Book Week Committee has worked very hard to prepare activities to celebrate Book Week, Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. It has been an amazing week-long celebration about books, illustrators, characters and authors. Along with daily PC quizzes, the week’s schedule has been jam-packed with activities:

Merici Remote Pastoral Care Support

We understand that the change to remote learning may impact students and families in varying ways. Please find below important information on how Pastoral Care will continue to be provided to the students during lockdown.

We encourage all students to continue to contact their teachers, parents, and other trusted adults to ensure that each member of our college community can navigate these challenging times in an environment that is welcoming, respectful and of value to everyone.

Take care everyone!


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