Merici College Green Tip #26 - Are you burning right tonight?

Sustainability at Merici

Using your wood heater correctly will improve Canberra's air quality, save you money, and keep your home warm.

Tips for better burning:

  • A well-maintained heater and flue will increase the efficiency of your heater. Have your flue swept prior to every heating season.
  • Buy wood from an authorised firewood merchant and store it in a well ventilated covered space.
  • Only use dry, well seasoned, untreated wood.
  • When starting your fire, always have the air control fully open and use plenty of kindling to start a hot fire quickly.
  • Place logs in the firebox with about 2cm between them to allow good air flow.
  • Use smaller logs when reloading, they make it easier to establish a hot fire quickly and allow the fire to burn on high for 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Do not overfill the heater - use 2 or 3 small logs in the heater, never 1 large log.
  • Don't let your fire smoulder overnight - keep the air control open enough to maintain a flame. A fire set on low causes excessive smoke pollution.

For more information:



Felicity Maher
Sustainability Officer

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