
Year 7 2022 Information Evening

Dear Year 7 2022 Students, Parents and Guardians

It was so lovely to meet you all online last night. Thank you so much for joining with us. We are very excited to have you joining our community in 2022.

Below is the presentation from last night, with included notes from our speeches for you to read through. Also below is all the information you will need in regards to our BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Program at Merici. It has all the contact details in case you have any further questions.

Release of Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) Announcement

Attention: Year 12 Students, Parents and Carers

Please see below important information from the BSSS around ATAR release:

Release of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

The release of the ATAR will be delayed until Thursday 20 January 2022.

The ACT BSSS works closely with the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) to produce the ATAR so that ACT students can apply for direct university admission.

Uniform Shop Update

New students starting in Term 4 and/or current students requiring summer uniform items, please be reassured that the uniform shop will reopen once restrictions are eased and all orders will be filled in time for the recommencement of school. More information on hours of operation will be sent out after ACT Government announcements are made.

Student Achievement - Caelan Edghill crowned State Champion in Year 9 Division of 2021 Australian History Competition

Congratulations to Caelan Edghill who has been crowned State Champion for the ACT in the Year 9 division of the 2021 Australian History Competition. Merici students entered the competition in May, an exam-based test which demands of students an excellent level of historical knowledge and skills. Congratulations to Caelan, a deserving winner of this medal, and a promising historian.


R U OK? Day

This week we will be participating in R U OK? Day on Thursday, 9 September which is a national day of action where Australians are reminded that every day is the day to ask, “are you okay?” if someone they know is struggling. Whilst working in lockdown, checking in on one another’s wellbeing is more important than ever.

Year 12 COVID-19 Vaccination Program

Dear Parents, Carers and Year 12 students

The ACT Government has announced that year 12 students have been prioritised for the  COVID-19 vaccination.

This year continues to be a challenging time for our families and students as we all strive to support our young people to complete their schooling journey. As parents and carers, you understand how significant having the opportunity to complete senior secondary studies is to year 12 students. This includes practical assessments and AST tests.

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