
Green Tip #2 - Meric College Green Tip #2 - Have you wondered if what you do makes a difference?

If you have wondered if your individual efforts to compost can make a difference, read on.....

Australian group, Compost Revolution, tested the idea across 41,000 Australian homes. 

The result was 10 million kgs of food waste diverted from landfill and 19 million kgs of greenhouse gases avoided.

Just how much is 10 million kgs? 

That's the equivalent of over 83,000 full-size wheelie bins of perfectly good resources U-turned out of landfill and sent back to the Earth to replenish the soil, grow veggies and plants, and sequester carbon or:

Student Achievement - ACT Government’s Youth Advisory Council

Congratulations to Year 12 students Elizabeth Ween and Freya Spring who have been accepted into the ACT Government’s Youth Advisory Council. Made up of 15 members, the Youth Advisory Council (YAC) provides young people aged between 12 and 25 years with an opportunity to take a leading role in participation and consultation activities on issues that affect their lives; raise awareness of the aspirations, needs and concerns of young people within government and the community; and facilitate interaction between young people, the ACT Government and the wider community.

College Captains Welcome Opening Assembly Address 2022

Welcome Merici Staff and Students. We don’t know about you, but we’re feeling 22, 2022. Like the beloved Taylor Swift, we believe that this year will be an absolute game-changer, filled with more fun, laughs, compassion, self-love, courage, positivity and studying than any other. As your College captains we are hoping that this year will be a spectacular time in your Merici education. We would like to give a very warm welcome to everyone, especially all of our new students who have just commenced their high-school journey with us.

Meric College Green Tip #1 - Welcome back with our new Terracycle collection

Welcome to 2022!

Reducing waste to landfill is a key action that we can all take to reduce our environmental impact.  

To go beyond our kerbside collection options, and to kickstart our focus on waste reduction this term, we are pleased to offer four options for collection here at Merici:

Oral care waste, container lids, makeup packaging such as eyeshadow trays and mascara tubes, and disposable masks. 

Please click here to view our Green Tip!

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Award Ceremony

On Thursday 27 January 2022, IB DP students, their families and staff attended a very special IB DP Award Ceremony in celebration of the academic achievements of our IB DP students.

Preashika Dhakal, Isabel Frugtniet. Jia Li Norris and Gabrielle Reynolds are Merici College’s first cohort to complete the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at Merici.

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