
CASE Oceans Junior Program - Last Days!

Our CASE Oceans Program group are enjoying their last few days in Queensland. Over the last two days they visited Rainforestation Nature Park, where they fed and patted kangaroos and wallabies, painted and threw boomerangs, and took part in the Pamagirri Aboriginial experience where they learnt about the local peoples and also got to do some dancing! Back at the hotel, the students presented their experience at OceanSschool and officially graduated! Today they will be spending the morning in Cairns before making there way back to Canberra! Have a safe trip home everyone!

CASE Junior Oceans Program Update

Our CASE Junior Oceans group have enjoyed lots of wonderful activities over the last few days with pool buddy safety training to prepare for their upcoming snorkeling. The group learnt important hand signals and had some fun racing each other. They also headed down to Pratton Park to learn about how we use transects and quadrats in ecology and helped to collect microplastics in the beach sand for further research at Griffith University. The group learnt that each year we eat the equivalent of a credit card in plastic!

CASE Junior Oceans Program update

Our CASE Oceans Junior group enjoyed another beautiful sunny day on North Stradbroke Island. The group started off knee-deep in mangrove research and enjoyed a coast walk where they saw whales, a dugong and a turtle. The group also attended a wonderful presentation about corals by QUT PhD student Brett Lewis. Did you know adolescent corals go on a great migration from the coral shelf to the sea floor? Part of the process of becoming an adult coral is to eat themselves!

#mericipride #acturaaustralia #mericistem #caseoceansprogram

CASE Junior Oceans Program

Our CASE Junior Oceans Program In Queensland has commenced with all our students having a great time, spending time yesterday on North Stradbroke Island collecting plankton and then using microscopes to identify the different species of phytoplankton (plants) and zooplankton (animals). After lunch, the group went on a tour with a local Aboriginal guide. The girls had a great day!

2023 National Youth Science Forum Year 12 Program Applications now open

Are you a Year 11 student passionate about science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM)? Do you want to meet like-minded young people from across Australia? Do you want to learn more about your study and career options? Look no further than the 2023 National Youth Science Forum (@NYSFoz) Year 12 Program! Applications are open now! For more information and to apply go to the NYSF website: #NYSFoz.

Merici College Green Tip #20 - What can be done with produce stickers?

Unless you are able to buy your fruit and vegetables direct from the source, or your local grower's market, you are likely to come across plastic stickers on your produce. 

Good news! They can be recycled!

All you need to do to recycle them is stick them to a bigger piece of soft plastic before you pop it in with the rest of your soft plastic collection and take it to a REDcycle collection bin at Coles next time you shop.


Felicity Maher
Sustainability Officer

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