
Merici Weekly Green Tip #5

Here is our green tip for the week:

Interested in growing produce but don’t have the right space or skills?

Canberra Organic Growers Society (COGS) operates 12 community gardens in Canberra and has lots of resources, tips and events for budding gardeners.

Find out more at or




Bec DeCourcy

Sustainability Officer


Merici Year 7/8 Softtball team awarded ACT Schools Champions

Like all great sporting stories, the Merici 7/8 Softball win in the ACT Schools Carnival began with the odds stacked squarely against it…

A month out from the tournament we didn’t even have enough players, so the girls were told they had some work to do if they wanted to compete in the carnival. Undeterred, the girls just got to work organising themselves, gathering in more players, showing up to every training and working hard to make sure they could field a team. And a little seed was planted.

2017 International Women's Day Dinner

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Celebrated on March 8, the day marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. The theme for this year was #BeBoldForChange and to support this special occasion, Merici College held a dinner on Thursday 9 March in the restaurant.


Where our students are going…..

This report was focussed on the Year 12 Graduating Class of 2016 cohort. The data was obtained from a Destinations Survey sent out to all students in mid-late January, after the main round offers for university placement.

The student survey related to:

  • Plans for 2017 - categorised into further study, full time employment and a Gap year
  • Plans for 2018-if they were taking a Gap year
  • Type of study
  • Institution of study


Balgo House Charity

In 2016 Balgo House started a partnership with the Mercy Works organisation. Mercy Works support long term development projects, where the needs of people who are denied access to basic resources like education and health care are urgent, in Australia and the South-East Asia Pacific. In their House Week 2016, students of Balgo House committed themselves to fundraising for the Mercy Works, where all donations went to a preschool on Bathurst Island.

St Vincent de Paul Door Knock Appeal

Merici College students participated in the St Vincent de Paul Doorknock Appeal on 15th February. 30 students went out into Ainslie and Campbell to raise money for the support services the St Vincent de Paul Society provides to the Canberra community. Despite feeling nervous, these students rose to the challenge and returned with stories about the surprising generosity they encountered.

Great results for students at the Canberra Show

Congatulatons to our Textiles and Fashion students who have excelled themselves at the 2017 Canberra Show and it was a delight to see them so excited to see their entries hung and displayed so beautifully. A congratulations needs to be extended to all students in Textiles and Fashion who entered especially the students listed below.

We have some special winners:


Student champion 18 years and under - Tyniah Morrison for her decorated cushion ( she won a sewing machine for herself and one for the school)

2nd for her decorated cushion- Tharushi Jayasekara

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