
Merici College Green Tip # 31 - 2022 Lettuce Sale

Get ready!  Following the first lettuce sale last year and due to popular demand, the lettuces will be back.

Collection Day: Tuesday Week 5 (8 November) 1:00pm-3:15pm or by arrangement to [email protected].  

200 punnets will be available at $6 each, or $42 for a tray of 8 punnets.

Please click here to find the order form.


Felicity Maher

Sustainability Officer

Counsellor's Corner - Taking care of your wellbeing these school holidays

As a busy Term 3 draws to a close and the perks of having two weeks break edges closer, the Merici Community looks forward to a period of rest, recovery, and rejuvenation. It is important to take this time as an opportunity to slow down, breathe and prepare to finish the year off with some positive Merici flair. 

Merici College Green Tip #30 - It's National Biodiversity Month

September is National Biodiversity Month.

Biodiversity is the variety of all life forms on earth – the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, and the ecosystems that are their homes.

Here at Merici we are continuing with the Biodiversity Restoration and Re-Wilding Project. 

Why does this matter?

Australia is one of a group of only 17 ‘mega-diverse’ countries. These mega-diverse countries cover less than 10% of the world’s area but have more than 70% of its biodiversity.

International Day of Peace, “End Racism – Build Peace”

Today, we join the efforts of the United Nations by advocating a world free of racism and discrimination. We start here, in our classrooms, in all we do and say, in our hearts. We want a world where  “compassion and empathy overcome suspicion and hatred”.  The 2022 theme of the International Day of Peace is “End Racism – Build Peace”.

2023 Student Leadership Team

We congratulate our elected College Captains, Specialist Captains, House Captains and Vice Captains on their appointments and look forward to their leadership in 2023.

Specialist Captains

College Captain: Raechel McKinnon

College Vice Captain: Matilda Hanley

Spirituality: Tahlia Hancock

Student Representative Council: Ruby Alexander

Sport & Well-Being: Alyssa Smith

Arts & Culture: Sophie Blackburn

Transitions: Chloe Rushton

Sustainability: Matilda Ross

Social Justice: Anna Jadeer

Merici College Green Tip #29 - World Chocolate Day

Today is World Chocolate Day.

What is not to love about chocolate?

If you don't have the answer, follow the link below, to learn more about the health benefits of this delicious substance.


Nine Reasons Why We Love Chocolate (And You Should, Too!) | Mostly About Chocolate Blog

Please choose Fairtrade where possible.

Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand says their system benefits farmers and producers in the developing world through:

Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews - Online Bookings open

Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews - Online Bookings open Tuesday 13 September

Parent-Teacher-Student interviews will be held online in Term 3 on Monday 19 September (4:00pm-6:00pm) and Wednesday 21 September (4:00pm-6:30pm) via Microsoft Teams. Each interview has an allocated 6 minute timeslot. If you need to speak to a teacher on a more in- depth basis, please contact the teacher directly.

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