Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews Online Bookings on MONDAY 7 APRIL 8AM

April 7, 2025 at Merici College

Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews – Online Bookings Open – Monday 7 April 8am

Parent-Student-Teacher interviews will be held in Term 2 online via Microsoft Teams on Monday 28 April (2pm-6pm) and in the College Auditorium on Tuesday 29 April (4:00pm-6:00pm). Each interview has an allocated 6 minutes timeslot. If you need to speak to a teacher on a more in-depth basis, please contact the teacher directly.

This is a mutually beneficial opportunity for parents to discuss their daughter’s progress with the classroom teacher.  Including your daughter in the interview helps promote independent learning.

If your daughter’s teacher is requesting an interview with you, in regard to either Achievement or Application, you will receive an email indicating this.  Please note: a teacher may request an interview both to commend a student’s performance as well as discuss any concerns about progress. If teachers do not request an interview with you, you are still encouraged to make appointments with any teacher to discuss your daughter’s progress.

Compass – Parent Student Teacher Conference Booking Instructions

You will be using the function of Parent Student Teacher Conference in Compass for these interviews. This will allow you to book the interview times that suit you from any internet-connected computer or from your smartphone.  If you wish to book appointments from your mobile, you will need to download the free Compass School Manager app from either the apple app store or the google play store.

Full instructions are provided to you after log in.  Please note the following points:

  • When you log on and click on Parent Student Teacher Conference, please choose 25S1 Parent Teacher Interview.
  • Click on My Bookings and Show me How to Book for instructions. Every parent/guardian can make a booking using one as a family booking or both if you want individual bookings.
  • You will only see timeslots that are available at the time you are using the system. As timeslots are booked for your allocated teachers, those timeslots are no longer displayed as available.
  • Please leave 6 minutes between appointments to allow for time to move between online rooms.
  • When you have made your booking, please print a record of it. You can also log in and change your booking at a later date.
  • Please note that bookings cannot be made after 8:00am on the day of the interview.
  • If there are no timeslots available for an interview, please use the option requesting the teacher to contact you or contact them directly.
  • If you encounter any problems using Parent Student Teacher Conference, please email