Merici College Green Tip #25 - Parliament of Youth Speech Part 2

Sustainability at Merici

At this challenging time, here is something positive about what we can do to support the continued livability of our shared home.

The second part of the closing speech from the Parliament of Youth 2021 by Coordinator Anna Garnock......

"Wherever you end up though, it is likely that you come across people, or even whole institutions, that do not care about the environment, and do not do anything to help the environment - in fact, what they do may even really harm the environment. 

If you ask them about it, they may say they are too busy, or are focused elsewhere, or that the environment doesn’t really matter. 

WELL!!! Let me tell you, it’s a simple fact that our planet's biosphere, our resources, our rivers, forests, soils, glaciers, coral reefs, bushlands, insects, bees, birds, mammals, and ocean life - ALL have ecological limits. 

Unlimited economic growth and consumerism cannot exist on a planet with limited resources. 

There is only so much we can take without giving back. 

There is only so much we can hurt the planet, before we start hurting ourselves, which we are already doing. 

SO! Regardless of where you end up working, studying, socialising, volunteering, playing sport, practicing religion or philosophy, living, etc., 

I leave you with one piece of advice: DO something! Anything! Start a compost group at your work and home! Clean up your local park, go plastic-free, divest from banks the invest in the fossil fuel industry, grow plants, grow your own food, attend rallys, shop at op-shops, host a documentary screening, buy local produce, take public transport and ride your bike.

Tell Mum and Dad to get solar panels and go off grid, write to your politician, get a water tank, boycott unsustainable palm oil, try eating less animal products, start conversations. 

Be open and learn, and then learn some more, and then unlearn, and then re-learn. 

Reduce, re-use, recycle, re-plant, restore, re-generate, re-think systems, re-align with your values and Remember to care for our planet - for all the people, plants, animals and resources. 

Because no job, no hobby, no lifestyle, no person, is above the environment, or better than the environment, or separate from the environment. 

Everything and everyone is connected and everything we do affects the world around us - either in a harmful, or helpful, way. 

It’s up to us to decide! 

I am truly inspired to see 142 of you enthusiastic and intelligent young students attending today! 

From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! 

And keep fighting the good fight!

Felicity Maher
Sustainability Officer



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