Welcome back to our students and families – I hope you are all feeling refreshed and ready to embark on the last leg of the 2022 school year!
Before we plough into what is sure to be a very busy and exciting term, I invite you to take a moment to reflect on the status of your wellbeing and to draw attention to any areas that could do with improvement.
Our wellbeing is the balance of our physical, mental, social, and emotional health. When we take care of these aspects of our lives, we build a positive sense of self and support our mental health.
October is Mental Health Month, an annual event celebrated in Australia and over 100 countries to raise community awareness and understanding of mental health, reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with mental health conditions, and promote positive mental health and wellbeing.
The theme for Mental Health Month ACT is: Awareness, Belonging, Connection.
Mental Health Month is a yearly reminder that, however you are feeling, you are not alone.
You can find information about Mental Health Month in the ACT and resources to support positive wellbeing here : 672a33_5035496d69f64bf3a6a3d8734c53a772.pdf (mentalhealthmonthact.org)
It is important to note that school counselling is not a crisis service but should you feel your daughter may benefit from school counselling, please speak with your daughter’s house co-ordinator or email me on : counsellors@merici.act.edu.au
Take care,
Ms Hannah Johnson, Merici Counsellor