March 25, 2022

IB Middle Years Programme (IMB) Student Reflection

My personal project aspiration is to assist an elderly person currently receiving nursing care due to a lasting fight with dementia by creating a short video to inform, calm, and lessen the impact of memory loss on dementia patients.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?     

London, I love the art and culture there and the transport to Europe by train.

What are your favourite subject groups to study in the MYP?     

The Arts

Language and Literature

What do you like about these subject groups?     

The arts show a reflection of society and how culture has evolved. I love English because I can apply my skills in everyday life.

Tell us a little about your personal project.

My personal project aspiration is to assist an elderly person currently receiving nursing care due to a lasting fight with dementia by creating a short video to inform, calm, and lessen the impact of memory loss on dementia patients. My plan is to have around a 7-minute video which he watches in the morning. His daughter, wife and grandkids will tell him where he is, who his nurses are, who they are and that they care about him a lot. They will then tell him where he needs to go for breakfast after the video concludes. The roles and sense of identity and relationships in individuals who are suffering from severe conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer’s are severely impacted. Certain people can feel a loss of independence and self as responsibilities change and they can no longer complete the simple tasks they could prior to their condition. Such a dramatic change of role in an individual can rupture a patient’s sense of identity and relationships.   

Which of the learner profile attributes do you think is most important in completing your Personal Project and why?     

Caring and communicating are crucial to my personal project as to better understand people’s needs, I have to communicate. And to cater to those needs i must be caring.

Which of the learner profile attributes do you need to work on most and why?

I think I struggle slightly with taking risks in my work as I need to learn to further trust myself and my abilities.


Lily Sluis, Year 10


My personal project aspiration is to assist an elderly person currently receiving nursing care due to a lasting fight with dementia by creating a short video to inform, calm, and lessen the impact of memory loss on dementia patients.

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