Student Achievement

What’s Happening in Engineering @ Merici

In Week 3 of this term, the Year 10 Engineering class performed their first rocket launch as part of this semester’s unit: “It Is Rocket Science.”  With the assistance of members of the Canberra Rocketry Group (Nev Blyth, Dr Tony Buckmaster, John Davies and Mark Bottomley) and kind permission from Dr Buckmaster to use his Yass property, the engineers launched 14 model rockets. Each rocket carried a payload of a small altimeter that allowed us to collect flight telemetry. 

Memories@Merici with Caitlin Figueiredo

Merici College ex-student Caitlin Figueiredo addressed the school community at the Academic Awards Ceremony on Monday 6 August. Caitilin is a proud multicultural Australian, social entrepreneur, activist, and Merici Alumni.  She sits on three United Nations Task Forces with her work spanning five continents. At 20 years old, Caitlin was named one of Australia's 100 Most Influential Women and an Obama White House Changemaker for Gender Equality by the President and Michelle Obama.

Year 10 Creative Voices - Brigitte Sander's 'Camille's Meadow'

To continue our series on Year 10 Creative Voices, this week we showcase Brigitte Sander’s piece titled Camille’s Meadow which uses the Romantic genre to explore nature and love. As part of the English Curriculum last Semester, students were asked to write a sustained piece of prose fiction. This is the only class that offers students the opportunity to write extended pieces of creative writing.

We look forward to continuing to provide you with the opportunity to read these beautiful pieces of writing and see just how talented our girls are in English!



Student addresses Gender Bias in Modern Society

As part of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training Innovation Month, Jade Esler, Merici Year 11 student, addressed Government staff on Tuesday 31 July. The Innovation program includes a number of  interactive workshops and presentations and Jade was invited to speak after she presented a pitch at the TEDx Canberra Open Mic Night. Jade spoke about the Gender Bias in Modern Society, and how it is affecting young children and perpetuating the issue further; how current gender stereotypes can make future equality difficult to obtain.

Academic Awards Semester 1 2018

Celebrating the achievements of all our students!

On Monday 6 August the Merici College school community celebrated the academic achievements of students in Semester 1, 2018 with over 250 students receiving awards that highlight their effort and joy of learning.

Mrs Wholley welcomed all parents, carers and students to the ceremony. She spoke to the community about preparing the students for a complex world.

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