Student Achievement

ANU Maths Day

On Friday May 25th, a team of five of our top senior mathematicians (Lauren Paterson, Bronte Alexander, Ravneet Dillon, Nicole Clough and Rosemary Zielinski) took part in the annual ANU Maths Day among more than 30 other College teams from Canberra and the region.

Aerospace Engineering - Samantha Trafford writes about the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn

Our Year 10 Engineering students began their aerospace engineering course this year looking at the history of human space flight and exploration.  As part of this topic each student undertook research on a space mission of their choice, and produced a popular science-style article about that mission.

This week, Samantha Trafford writes about the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn.

College Achievement – Energy Consumption reduced by 10%

Hi everyone,

Your friendly neighbourhood Sustainability Officer here with an exciting energy update …

So far this year, we have reduced our energy consumption by 10%!

This may sound small, but it’s a massive achievement. To put it into perspective, we’ve saved 18, 867 kWh, enough to power three typical 4-person houses in Ainslie for a year.

Thank you to everyone who has been Flicking the Switch and encouraging their students to do so. Your combined efforts have produced a real, tangible change – so well done 

St Angela Merici Day Mass

This morning, Friday 1 June, College staff and students celebrated the Feast Day of Saint Angela Merici.  The celebratory activities commenced in Pastoral Care with students gifting a ‘bracelet of joy’ to another student in their PC group, which included a ‘JOY’ charm, embracing our #YearofYouth #SpredingJoy theme for the year. Students remembered St Angela as an educator of women from all classes of society.

Merici students' outstanding performance at ACT Titration Stakes

Merici College fielded two teams in the ACT Titration Stakes on Tuesday evening.  In a competition valuing technical skill and precision, teams must determine the concentration of a solution of sodium hydroxide and then use this to further determine the concentrations of three separate solutions of acetic acid.

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