Student Achievement

Merici Student joins Jasiri Australia to Takeover Parliament

Meet Anna Jadeer, a Year 7 Merici College student who dreams of one day becoming Australia's youngest Prime Minister. On the 28th of November, her dream is one step closer as she prepares to take over Federal Parliament. Participating in Jasiri Australia's Girls Takeover Parliament Program with 29 other young women. Anna is hijacking the Member for Kingston, Amanda Rishworth's position for the day.

Merici College Equestrian Team

We would like to congratulate the Merici College Equestrian Team who recently competed at the ACT State Equestrian Interschool Championships competition held in Bungendore. The team comprising of Equestrian Team Captain Emily Andres (Year 10), Matilda Coffee (Year 8), Lexie Young (Year 7), Brooke Ellis (Year 7) and Caryss Evans (Year 7) all rode fantastic individual events.

Student Achievement - Jessica Manclark in 'We Will Rock You'

Presented by: PeeWee Productions

We Will Rock You is based on the legendary music of Queen with a book by Ben Elton.

Featuring 21 of Queens greatest hits the show tells the story of a group of Bohemians who struggle to restore the free exchange of thought, fashion and have been forbidden listening to rock music.

Don’t miss the Canberra Premier of Queens greatest hits in a spectacular arena production brought to life at the AIS Arena.

7th to 10th November 2018

Tickets at ticketek 

Sports Awards 2018

The annual Merici College Sports Awards presentation night was held on Thursday 1 November. Throughout 2018 many of our students have taken up sporting opportunities offered at Merici.  Merici competes in up to 50 interschool events throughout the year with students displaying their talents in several of these of sports. We also have several co-curricular sporting teams, Netball, Basketball, Volleyball, AFL, Hockey, Futsal and Snow Sports that compete in ACT and NSW weekend competitions.

Antigone Performance

The performance of Antigone on Tuesday 30 October was such a wonderful successful. The girls showed dedication and commitment to the process of developing a theatre performance collaboratively. They rose to the challenge and faced many obstacles along the way.

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