Student Achievement

Student Achievement - Caitlyn Crick wins ACT Plain English Speaking Award

We congratulate Caitlyn Crick on winning the ACT Plain English Speaking Award (PESA) with her speech on gender equality in the workplace. Caitlyn also  delivered an impromptu speech on her magical childhood compared to children from broken homes.  Caitlyn now moves onto the national finals in Brisbane next term. Well done Caitlyn!

Students Achievement at NSW U15 State Hockey Championships

Merici students Imogen Dorsett and Brooke Ellis recently represented Canberra at the NSW U15 State Hockey Championships in Wagga, 21-23 June .

The high-caliber, three day tournament saw 35 teams from across NSW, including 2 from the ACT, representing their respective regions.

Imogen and Brooke both played in the Canberra 1 side. Strong teamwork and lots of goals saw the team take out their division with wins in all 7 games, including the Grand Final.

Well done girls!


St Matthew's Athletics Carnival - Thank You students!

We would like to thank our students who assisted St Matthew's Primary School yesterday at their athletics carnival held at the College.

The girls were wonderful ambassadors and thoroughly enjoyed helping out with all the running, field and novelty events.

We would also like to thank St Matthew's for the opportunity of hosting the carnival.


Clean Up Australia Day

As part of World Environment Day and our week of War on Waste, Merici College held a ‘whole school' Clean Up Australia by Houses today. We would like to thank the students for supporting this important event.

Merici results at OzClo competition

OzClo (The Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad) is an annual competition that challenges high school students to develop their own strategies for solving problems in fascinating real languages. Merici College entered a total of 9 senior and junior teams this year. Six teams achieved Bronze, two teams attained Silver and one team was awarded Gold.

Congratulations girls!

Can Line

We would like to thank our students for supporting our Oz Harvest and Vinnies Can Line today.

Can Line rankings are:

1. Brescia
2. Ningil
3. Penola
4. Seiwa
5. Tullow
6. Balgo

Congratulations Brescia!

Merici teams through to National Titration Stakes

Last night the Research School of Chemistry at the ANU held the annual ACT Titration Stakes - a chemistry competition. The two Merici teams (Yr 11: Shreya Bhatnagar, Emma Howse and Ashlyn Radford; Yr 12: Jade Esler, Japneet Kaur, Rosie Zielinski) placed 2nd and 3rd respectively from 29 teams and will compete again in the nationals in Term 3.

This is great work by both teams, but particularly impressive for the Yr 11s, who only did their first titration about three weeks ago!

The displayed photo shows them with the new head of school, Professor Penny Brothers.

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